Creating a Net Zero Community

Creating a Net Zero Community
Metropolis Learning Hub Chengdu with the support of C40 and Chengdu’s Municipal Commission for Urban and Rural Community Development and Management organised a session which seeked to provide knowledge on how to design good public policies to help foster favourable climate for green transition and guidelines that help grass-root communities navigate their way to net zero transition. This session had speakers from C40, Chengdu and Madrid.
For more information, you can read the programme of the event.
Challenges and opportunities of digitalisation in metropolitan spaces

Challenges and opportunities of digitalisation in metropolitan spaces
On the occasion of the celebration of the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day on 17 May, we organised a webinar on the challenges and opportunities of digitalisation in metropolitan spaces. This event gathered city officers from Brussels, Grand Paris, Barcelona (metropolitan area), Córdoba, Toronto, Harare, Nouakchott and Belo Horizonte, who shared their experiences on how their administration is adapting to this new digital reality.
At the same time, in this event we launched live the Metropolis learning forum on digitalisation, in which members invited to the session have started the debate in all or some of the questions available at the forum.
For further information, you can read the concept note of this session in english, spanish or french; you can also consult the program of the session.
Post-Pandemic Cities: Challenges and Opportunities

Post-Pandemic Cities: Challenges and Opportunities
This training workshop organised by Metropolis International Training Institute of Cairo discussed the Post-Pandemic city planning and management approaches, models, and practice. It also explored how the crisis have made many changes feasible that were before unimaginable or difficult to envision. During this session participants could debate about new planning models such as the 15-minute city, the compact city, super blocks, the car-free city, concepts of new urbanism or a combination of them, and the pandemic effect on the implementation of these concepts.
Seeking Better Quality of Community Life: a Park City Approach
Seeking Better Quality of Community Life: a Park City Approach
Metropolis Learning Hub Chengdu organised a session where participants had a theoretical background of urban community planning, implementation, and project management. Moreover, through case studies, Chengdu shared community regeneration projects that have been successfully implemented in the urban center, sub-urban center and suburbs, and present how these projects managed to engage citizens before, during and after the design process. In particular: the Micro-Regeneraion East Yulin Rd Community; the Sports Venues Under Flyovers and the Jincheng Community Case. Participants also heard from a diverse range of perspectives from other parts of the world, such as Ramallah and Amman, acknowledging that the situation is contextual and different in each part of the world.
For more information, you can read the concept note of the session.
Urban forests as nature-based solutions: State of the art

Urban forests as nature-based solutions: State of the art
CLEARING HOUSE is an EU funded H2020 project providing evidence and tools to facilitate the mobilisation of the full potential of urban forest-based solutions (UF-NBS) for rehabilitating, reconnecting and restoring urban ecosystems.
The main aim of this first event was to promote research findings on Urban Forest Nature Based Solutions (UFNBS) that had been undertaken during the first stage of CLEARING HOUSE. The contents of the webinar included the EU Research and innovation agenda on Nature-based solutions, current UF-NBS practices in Europe and China and its scientific literature; contextual data about China; an analysis of governance, institutional and economic frameworks in Europe and China; the idea of Urban Forest as nature-based solutions; and an analysis of societal perceptions towards forests in Europe and China.
Mapping a Green Future: Urban Planning under the Park City Initiative
Mapping a Green Future: Urban Planning under the Park City Initiative
The first edition of the webinar "Mapping a Green Future: Urban Planning under the Park City Initiative" was organised by Metropolis Learning Hub with the support of Chengdu Institute of Planning and Design, and was held on may 20th and 21st. It consisted in a two-session webinar, where participants were able to learn from experiences from Glasgow, Chengdu, Seoul, Johannesburg and Dujiangyan.
A multidimensional approach to urban inequalities: thoughts and aspirations

A multidimensional approach to urban inequalities: thoughts and aspirations
As part of the "Neighbourhoods, inequality and youth: putting multidimensional inequalities on the local political agenda in countries in transition" project, implemented through a partnership between Oxfam (Brazil, Mexico, Spain), the European Union, Barcelona City Council, Metropolis and the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB), a webinar was organized to showcase its results.
The project consisted in identifying public policies for reducing inequalities in urban settings from a multidimensional, interdisciplinary and intersectional perspective.
Visions and Challenges in Urban regeneration

Visions and Challenges in Urban regeneration
Metropolis and Teheran Municipality organised this thematic webinar on visions and challenges in urban regeneration to gather Metropolis members and to share their own experiences regarding urban heritage without losing sight of the identity of a city in an increasingly globalised world. In this session participants were able to learn more about the urban regeneration experiences from Delhi and Cairo.
Geospatial Visualization for Urban Revitalization

Geospatial Visualization for Urban Revitalization
Metropolis International training Institute Mashhad organised this webinar to highlight the importance of geospatial localisation tools in the urban revitalisation process. In this session, after a background on geospatial localisation in general, we reviewed a couple of redevelopment / revitalisation projects in Victoria, Australia over the last a few years and then explored the concept of the Digital Twins in Fishermans Bend, Melbourne.
Learning from tactical urbanism: Metropolitan perspectives for long-term solutions

Learning from tactical urbanism: Metropolitan perspectives for long-term solutions
During this session we explored the concept of tactical urbanism in relation with socio-economic lessons from the pandemic. For doing that, we gathered representatives from the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, the City of Bogotá, the Brussels Capital Region, the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador, the City of Montreal and the Metropolitan Area of Turin.
Sustainable Urban Regeneration

Sustainable Urban Regeneration
During this webinar representatives from Dakar, Dresden, Nanjing, Shiraz, Delhi and Cairo exposed different urban regeneration projects in order to promote inclusion and resource efficiency, provide safe and affordable housing, alleviate environmental problems, help make human settlements safer and contribute to other targets enumerated under the sustainable development goal 11.
Ibero-American experiences of tactical urban planning against the COVID-19

Ibero-American experiences of tactical urban planning against the COVID-19
This webinar organized by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Metropolis consisted in the identification of innovative experiences where tactical urbanism has been applied as a municipal action instrument to break the expansion of COVID-19 while contributing to the systematization of municipal experiences to be included in the platform Cities For Global Health promoted by Metropolis, UCLG, ALLAS and Barcelona City Council.
In particular, participants were able to learn about experiences of tactical urbanism from representatives from Guatemala, Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, Medellín and Mexico City.
Culture as a Dimension to Rethink Metropolitan Spaces

Culture as a Dimension to Rethink Metropolitan Spaces
This webinar aimed to bring a cultural perspective to the design of metropolitan governments. The right to participate in culture has enormous power over the redistribution of the right to the city, and this was presented by representatives of the municipalities of Rome, Barcelona, Xi'an and Buenos Aires.
Intersectional responses for the LGBTI+ community facing COVID-19

Intersectional responses for the LGBTI+ community facing COVID-19
This webinar focused on analysing the concept of intersectionality. Moreover, participants could learn from concrete experiences incorporating the intersectional perspective in the response to the social crisis generated by the COVID-19. In particular, Barcelona, Rosario, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Bogotá, Medellin and Montevideo.
Commuting across metropolises

Commuting across metropolises
Organised in the occasion of the celebrations of World Bicycle Day, this webinar gathered experts from Madrid, Seoul and the UITP who talked about the problematic of mobility, one of the most emblematic, visible and sensitive examples of how metropolitan governance is applied to the everyday life of citizens.
Fighting urban inequalities

Fighting urban inequalities
This series of webinars focused in raising awareness to local authorities about the impacts of inequality in daily-basis urban life. Moreover, it explored the causes and consequences of urban inequalities and gave possible public policies to fight and reduce inequalities from the municipality and the different levels of government.
Sustainable water management: key for citizen’s wellbeing

Sustainable water management: key for citizen’s wellbeing
Hosted by Seoul Human Resource Development Center, this session helped participants to learn about Seoul’s water system–Arisu–which is the world's first water system accredited by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) and other major water resource management related policies of Seoul. Also, three of our members, Shanghai, Jakarta, and Bangkok, shared their experiences in terms of sustainable water management.
Sustainable urban mobility

Sustainable urban mobility
This webinar analysed different case studies with the goal of understanding the current world situation and to identify replicable measures in terms of mobility. For more information, you can read the program.