World Metropolitan Day in Monterrey
Mr José Manuel Vital Couturier, in his capacity as Secretary of Sustainable Development of the State of Nuevo León, which encompasses the metropolitan area of Monterrey, composed of 12 municipalities, will host this World Metropolitan Day event with the objective of sharing ideas and participating in debates to improve metropolitan governance and make metropolitan challenges and opportunities a priority on the world stage.
The objective of this virtual discussion is to explore the successes and challenges of different patterns of metropolitan governance in different territorial contexts in Mexico and other parts of Latin America. It will also serve to discuss the program "Metropolitan Monterrey 2040" (Programa Monterrey Metropolitano 2040) with a vast array of metropolitan stakeholders.
The discussion will be guided by the following key questions:
- How to encourage the coordination, planning and agreement between different state and non-state actors to move towards participatory and inclusive modes of metropolitan governance?
- How to increase the capabilities of actors (eg municipalities) with lower resources and capabilities?
- What can be the stages / processes of building patterns of metropolitan governance? What formal or informal spaces and which actors are indispensable?
- How to strengthen existing coordination initiatives in territories (many times in terms of public services or mobility) to move towards processes of metropolitan planning and arrangement?
- How can patterns of metropolitan governance contribute to a sustainable and climate resilient urban development? What features would be necessary?
Recognizing that the 2019 Metropolitan World Day campaign focuses on the implementation of specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the metropolitan scale, Gaziantep will host an event dedicated to the progress made on the following SDGs in its metropolitan space:
- 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
This event is coorganized with Cities Alliance and Urban housing Practitioner Hub