Strengthening metropolitan governance: strategies and tools to build a more equitable public space

This side-event will be the opportunity to debate about strategies and tools carried out by metropolitan governments worldwide and urban stakeholders to build more equitable governance. Metropolitan governance based on social participation which considers people’s everyday lives, rethinking streets, squares to ensure a high quality of life to the diverse range of marginalized citizens.
In this sense, the focus of the side-event is to present and debate strategies and tools to build a more equitable public space. These issues are present in both the NUA and the 2030 Agenda: SDG 5, 11 and 16.

The session, focused around two thematic pillars: urban planning and public facilities, will showcase initiatives to emphasize the need for articulating policies, following the peer-to-peer method. A short Q&A will follow for the audience to engage with the discussion.

You can read here the concept note.