How do children imagine the future of their metropolises? Inspiring ideas for policy-makers

Date of publication
Gender equality
Inclusion and equity
Type of resources
In 2021 Metropolis, the global network of major cities and metropolitan areas, launched a global call for children to draw the city of the future, to imagine a different future for metropolises. The success was overwhelming, with hundreds of drawings from dozens of cities from around the world answering the call. Put together, all these drawings channel a torrent of imagination, and are a treasure trove for fresh ideas to rethink our metropolitan spaces.

This report is only a first attempt to dig into this wealth of ideas and narratives, and extract from them useful ideas for rethinking the future of our cities. In this document, policymakers will find some recommendations based on the analysis of all the drawings we received, recommendations for the future made from one of the toughest times cities around the world have ever faced.
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