Asian Metropolitan Report

Date of publication
Bharat Dahiya, Ammar A. Malik
Metropolitan Governance
The ‘Asian Metropolitan Report’, realised by Bharat Dahiya and Ammar A. Malik, evaluates and discusses the results of the analysis obtained from 38 metropolitan indicators in 28 metropolitan spaces, thanks to the work of the Metropolis Observatory. The report also includes data recovered from the United Nations World Urbanisation Prospects 2018 and the European Union, Global Human Settlement Layer Urban Centre Database, among other papers and academic studies.

The metropolitan indicators that are measured in this paper are the Context and Governance of each of the cities, the Economic Development of the metropolitan regions, the Social Cohesion of the society, the Environmental Sustainability, and the Quality of Life their citizens are enjoying.

This paper gives some insights about the largest and most populated continent containing a wide range of cultures and realities, from the Arabian Peninsula to the coastal area of the Pacific Ocean. The rapid urbanisation of its cities in the last decades is creating new challenges for governors whom this publication tries to give some key points on how to face them.