Policy Brief #04: Multilevel Emergency Governance: Enabling Adaptive and Agile Responses

Date of publication
Metropolis, UCLG and LSE
This report included the results of interviews and workshops where government officials and experts gave some critical inputs on the themes worked here. The workshops were held between April and June 2021, when different local governments, associations and UNDP Country offices participated and shared insights about Multilevel Emergency Governance.

Any effective response to complex emergencies centrally depends on the capabilities of state actors. Among the most fundamental of these capabilities is the coordinated action across and within different territories. Recognising the vertical, sectoral and territorial interdependence of actors, multilevel governance is a widely acknowledged foundation for collective decision-making, strategy development and the management of operational aspects of public policy well beyond emergency modes.

The Policy Brief #04 is part of the Emergency Governance Initiative (EGI) led by Metropolis, United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and LSE Cities at the London School of Economics and Political Science. This initiative investigates the institutional dimensions of rapid and radical action in response to global emergencies.
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