Register now for free! 11th METROPOLIS World Congress

Register now for the 11th METROPOLIS World Congress for free as courtesy of the State of Telanagana

10 reasons to join more than 2000 world leaders and experts in Hyderabad (October 7-10, 2014)

1. Engage high-level government leaders, city officials, international organisations, academia, NGOs, solutions and service providers, policy makers, industry partners and global experts.

2. Witness key political messages and declarations from the community of mayors worldwide

3. Exchange and learn from outstanding national and international national keynote speakers

4. Participate on the renewal of METROPOLIS organization’s governing bodies as member

5. Take part in the approval of the 2015-2017 Metropolis Action Plan

6. Experience diverse good practices coming from the ground of member cities

7. Discover Hyderabad a vibrant and fascinating metropolis where heritage and hi tech coexist

8. Live the city: more than 8 technical visits that will take you to the most trending urban projects in town

9. Find out about the best urban practices worldwide with the triennial Awards

10. Join the celebration of METROPOLIS' 30th Anniversary!

Become a sponsor

The METROPOLIS World Congress 2014 offers sponsorship packages customisable to your needs. To explore sponsorship opportunities, please contact Ms Teresa Oliver at
Download the brochure here!