MITI upcoming events 2015

METROPOLIS Training - Paris - Last Call For Registration June 2015

Adaptability and resilience of the metropolis to climate change and natural disaster

22th - 25th june 2015, IAU Paris

MITI Paris june2015


The Paris-Ile-de-France Regional Centre is part of IAU Île-de-France and is accommodated by the Institute of arrangement and town planning of the region Ile-de-France and chaired by Mr. Jean-Paul Huchon, also president of METROPOLIS and president of Ile-de-France Region Council.


The training program addressed by international experts will develop the following topics:

  • The Global challenge of climate change and the vagaries of natural hazards
  • Territorial approach of resilience and adaptability to climate change
  • Methods and tools for resilience and adaptability to climate change
  • International benchmarking of coastal cities

Detailded Program
Invitation Letter

Deadline for Registration: June 12, 2015
Official Language of the workshop: French (simultaneous interpretation in English)
Limited access to the training session: 20 trainees
Who can attend? Decision makers and local governments' senior officers


The Paris-Ile-de-France Regional Centre will pay for registration fee, travel expenses within the Ile-de-France region and meals included in the program. Registration of people which are not a part of Metropolis will be accepted, subject to availability for a contribution to costs of 500 Euros.

You will find the registration form as well as unwound retailed by this formation and all the practical information necessary for the good progress of your participation on the site:

For more information please contact (French-English):
Mrs. ILUNGA Laetitia: + 33 1 77 49 76 38 -