METROPOLIS supports 1st MeTTA Forum, Seoul: “Megacity: Beyond Risk towards Safe City”
Megacity Think Tank Alliance (MeTTA) is an international alliance based in Seoul, and lead by the Seoul Institute. It aims at providing solutions to problems that megacities face and subsequently to improve the quality of life of their citizens.
The 1st MeTTA Forum titled “Megacity: Beyond Risk towards Safe City” will be held on 11th July 2014 at the Grand Conference Hall at Seoul City Hall. The event is organized jointly by the Seoul Institute and Seoul Metropolitan Government (member of METROPOLIS).
The purpose of the forum is to discuss urban risks in megacities, exchange knowledge and solutions to urban problems of the participating cities’ think tanks. In this context, and given the close links between risk society and urban think tanks as solution providers, the president of Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning & Design and Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute, and Center for Liveable Cities and other representatives from Asian megacities will be invited to share their responses to the risk, as well as to be partners in the alliance. Also, it aims to tackle the inherent risks in urbanization, and to coordinate our problem-solving efforts. METROPOLIS is proud to support Seoul Institute which is one of METROPOLIS partners in the framework of the 11th World Congress “Cities For All” due in Hyderabad next October.