From Medellin to Hyderabad, METROPOLIS and WHO debate on urban health equity
During the World Urban Forum in Medellin, METROPOLIS initiated discussion with World Health Organization, WHO, on their common view concerning the growing need to have health equity placed in the center of the debate around UN Millenium Development goals, and how the international community must encourage achieving of universal health coverage and influence the Habitat III agenda on urban equity.
During the session on "Health equity and sustainable urban development in the post-2015 development agenda" held on 8th April 2014 the METROPOLIS Secretary General brought to the forefront the World Association position.
METROPOLIS is proud to engage further with WHO and UN-Habitat in the second joint WHO & UN-Habitat global Report on urban health:"Hidden Cities, unmasking and overcoming health inequities in urban settings".
Alain Le Saux emphasized the importance of providing basic services in cities coupled with a focus on attaining equity, as urbanization gathers pace in developing regions of the world. The meeting further concluded that the new report should focus most of its attention to illustrating solutions for cities to broad problem, and enhance research and results for developing countries.
"As leading World Association of the Major Metropolises and metropolitan regions, it is our duty to fully support the efforts and the continuous work of the World Health Organization and of UN-Habitat towards raising awareness and invoking actions to address health inequities in cities", said Alain Le Saux.
Discussions will be continuing during the steering committee for the second Who/UN-Habitat joint report on urban health, to be held in Geneva on 14 and 15 August and to which once again, the METROPOLIS Secretary General will contribute his experience and vision.
In the firm belief that continuity can help forging worldwide awareness on health equity in cities, METROPOLIS, together with World Health Organization will organize a joint session on “Achieving Health for All in Cities“ in the framework of "Cities for All" METROPOLIS World congress in Hyderabad . (program to be updated shortly)
For further information on the Tool kit for cities tackle Health inequities, Urban Heart,, please click here.
To access the power points presentations and material from the last WUF session please click here