Mashhad promotes women leadership in urban life
Last Wednesday and Thursday, the Municipality of Mashhad organized a workshop entitled "The Role of Women in Urban Life", which aimed, on one hand, to reestablish an Iranian Women Network gathering women city councilors, many of them recently elected in their municipalities, and, on the other hand, to encourage them to be more active in the international arena. A total of 52 participants, some of them representatives of the member cities of Mashhad, Karaj and Shiraz, attended the workshop.
The forum featured a morning session on the first day with institutional presentations and, during the rest of the program, participatory sessions with the focus group format. Each team identified needs, problems and challenges related to the selected subject and proposed project-oriented solutions for the next year.
Here are some of the suggestions raised by the groups:
In order to ensure the implementation of these suggestions, as well as to share doubts, difficulties, and successes, other forums will take place in the following months in other Iranian cities.
Following this first meeting, an internal women network has been established with five committees focusing on the challenges facing women:
- Governance and urban management
- Urban Economics
- Family and Culture
- Urban Planning and development
- Climate change and Urban Environment
These committees will continue working online between forums.
You can read the final report of the workshop by visiting the website of Mashhad's International Scientific Cooperation Office (ISCO).