Localization of the post-2015 development agenda
UNDP and HABITAT, on behalf of UNDG, and the Global Task Force of Local and Regional Governments for Post-2015 and Habitat III are co-leading the consultation on “Localizing the post-2015 agenda”.The e-discussions were launched on the 19th of May and will be open until July 18th (9 weeks).
This involves planning and facilitating—together with UN Country Teams (UNCTs) and key national, regional and local governance stakeholders—consultations on the means of implementation of the post 2015 agenda.
The main objective of the consultation process is to stimulate inclusive national and territorial dialogues on the means of implementing the post-2015 development agenda at the local level. The findings will feed into planned events as well as the final outcome report and validated with relevant stakeholders, and finally presented to key decision-makers and leaders to inform the post-2015 development framework and feed into the UN Secretary General Report.
The need to localize the new framework has been strongly expressed in the thematic and national consultations that made up the first stage of the post-2015 consultations as well as in the HLP and other reports. Lessons learned from pursuit of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) revealed the key role of local governments in delivering on both local and national objectives, and the need for local target setting to complement and feed into national development strategies. This led the UNDG to advocate for the localization of the MDGs in the roll out of its MDG Acceleration Framework.
This consultation will primarily explore how localization will support implementation of the new global targets. The dialogue will identify the challenges which face local governments in playing a full role in implementation and will consider various concrete mechanisms, tools, innovations, platforms and processes which will be required to effectively translate the agenda into practice at the local level.
Practical proposals from local stakeholders will offer useful illustrations to help orient global decision makers and to put into the limelight the importance of the local dimension of development.
Metropolis, as a member of the Global Task Force of Local and Regional Governments for Post-2015 and Habitat III, is actively involved in this consultation and encourages its members and partner organizations to participate to the online discussion: www.worldwewant2015.org/localising2015