The learnings of the Climate Change Training Course - Seoul (7-15/04/ 2015)

The Climate Change Training Program for foreign public officials has been held in Seoul from April 8~14. Among the participants, seven member cities of METROPOLIS were represented by their respective public officials dedicated in the environment: Beijing, Guangzhou, Jakarta, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Quito attended the program and had the opportunity to share participating cities’ efforts in preserving the earth and environment (see the list of participants here). This METROPOLIS Training program was in line with ICLEI World Congress held in Seoul which, in turn, provided an opportunity of thinking hard and sharing the theme of ICLEI World Congress- Sustainable Solutions for an Urban Future.

In addition, participants visited the fields of best cases like World Cup Park and Energy Dream Center after listening to lectures on Environmental Policies of Seoul and One Less Nuclear Power Plant while improving the understanding on environmental policies of Seoul with detailed explanations. Download all the presentations and more resources HERE (posar link a les presentacions)

The METROPOLIS International Training Institute´s Headquarters in Seoul is currently running training programs on the following themes: Urban Transportation, e-Government and Waterworks. Also, it will make strenuous efforts to share best policies of Seoul Metropolitan Government with world cities and export successful cases of Seoul to other cities. Participate in the upcoming METROPOLIS Training activities and learn how to develop your city in a more sustainable way.

Learn more about the projects undertaken by the Seoul Metropolitan Government and go to our online METROPOLIS Policy Transfer platform to find out what other cities are cooking…

Case Studies Presentations:

Baguio City


Guangzhou (1), Guangzhou (2), Guangzhou & Quito, Guangzhou & Shenzhen


One less Nuclear Plant Plant Director Kang Pil Young

Seoul, a Model for a Sutainable Eco-City, Dr. Song jae Ming