Webinar Sustainable Urban regeneration

With rapid urbanization expected to continue at an even faster pace during the coming years, cities will face more severe social, economic, and environmental pressures, which will in turn exert far-reaching influences on the quality of life of our communities. Thus, the challenges associated with the rise in urban slums and informal settlements - due to accelerated rural to urban migration, poverty, high unemployment, economic stagnation, poor planning and etc.  – are anticipated to intensify. It has been for decades that cities have been formulating 'urban regeneration' policies to address issues of decline and urban decay and deal with underutilized and distressed urban areas, thereby trying to improve the physical, economic and environmental state of the cities and making them more livable. 

However, as a very complex and multi-stakeholder process, it is not unlikely for an urban regeneration project to end in total or partial failure. Urban regeneration projects could promote inclusion and resource efficiency, provide safe and affordable housing, alleviate environmental problems, help make human settlements safer and contribute to other targets enumerated under the sustainable development goal 11. The alignment of urban regeneration policies and projects with the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda can ensure their success. SDGs and their relevant indicators can also play a significant role by providing a practical assessment tool. 

In order to ensure the sustainability of regeneration efforts from the scoping phase to implementation, make an optimum utilization of the major assets available to the cities, and promote and incentivize participation of the public and the private sector, careful consideration should be given to the intricate interplay of a myriad of socio-cultural factors and economy of spaces as well as to the physical and infrastructural ones.  

Shiraz Municipality organizes a webinar on Sustainable urban regenaration jointly with Mashhad regional learning center and Metropolis Secretariat General on Monday 14th at 11.30 am (Tehran time) - 9.00 am (Madrid time)

Draft Program
•    Welcome by Mr. Javad Bahadori, Deputy Mayor for Urban Planning and Architecture, Shiraz 
•    Introduction and moderation by Octavi de la Varga, Secretary General, Metropolis 
•    Nastaran Najdaghi, Head of Urban Regeneration Bureau, Shiraz
     Culture-led Urban Regeneration in the Historical District of Shiraz
•    Wolfgang Socher, Head of Environmental Office, Dresden
     Construction of an Inner-City Greenway Covering Multiple Functions
•    Ling Zhang, deputy director of the devpt & Reform Commission of Qinhuai District, Nanjing
      Regeneration of Urban Historical Neighborhoods from Creative Cultural Aspects: The Case of Old Mendong Area
•    Questions & Answers 
•    Conclusion and Closing 

•    Identifying challenges to sustainable urban regeneration  
•    Addressing the identified challenges 
•    Evaluating the solutions offered 
•    Urban regeneration from idea to action

Pedagogic approach
The aim of this webinar is to identify issues related to different approaches to sustainable urban regeneration with a special focus on culture-led regeneration. Although the case studies to be presented are unique to the specific context in which they have been conducted, it is expected that the participants will be able to learn from the challenges faced and how they were tackled. These context-bound experiences can also prove helpful by offering the participants fresh insights into how similar problems and common challenges could be addressed in their own settings. Furthermore, the critical feedback and alternative perspectives the presenters will receive from the audience (both during the Q & A session and after the event is over) can prove beneficial for them in their future urban regeneration projects. 

This webinar will be conducted in English. To participate, please register here: