Urban Thinkers Campus: Building Inclusive Smart Cities
In preparation of the Habitat III International conference, Habitat for Humanity – an NGO active in the housing sector throughout the Asian Pacific region – will be holding a two-day conference in New Delhi in February 2016. Entitled “Building Inclusive Smart Cities”, the conference will specifically deal with issues of safety and sanitation in today’s urban context.
Building “Smart Cities” is high on the political agenda in India, nevertheless urban inclusion is missing as a goal in itself. Through both channels of safety and sanitation, the various sessions – gathering experts from the academia, civil society organizations, the industry and the public sector – will discuss challenges and opportunities for Indian cities to be truly inclusive to the benefits of all fringes of urban population.
It is Habitat for Humanity India’s mandate to ensure that the New Urban Agenda, main outcome of the Habitat III conference, maintains focus on sustainable and inclusive urbanization. For more information, visit the website