Living the City: Affordable housing development

Side events
Room 407

The urbanization growth of the world poses significant challenges in terms of environment preservation, economical equity and social inclusion. In this context, urban planning and housing competences of local governments constitutes today important powers that can help resolve those major international challenges. Thus, in the area of housing rights, the New Urban Agenda and SDG 11 put the spotlight on the role of local governments in achieving this goal. They can contribute to the development of accessible cities to all households wishing to live in the city core and to promote a social mix based on the principles of living together.

Moreover, cities are in permanent transformation with land use changes in regards of economical, social and environmental evolution. Those changes constitute opportunities for local governments to put in front mindful urban planning and housing policies to build more inclusive cities, by offering access to affordable housing for families, low income citizens, single parents, women and new immigrants. Furthermore, housing public policies play a key role in building inclusive cities but also to built more dense and sustainable cities that rely on public transportation networks and participatory democracy principles. For example the City of Montréal in Canada set up an Affordable Housing Inclusion Strategy that requires incorporating 30% of affordable and social housing in new major residential projects. This type of housing policy helps to develop a diversified residential offer that promotes social inclusion, particularly in central sectors in redevelopment with access to public infrastructures.

In this spirit, Metropolis association that represents major cities around the world will present cases of affordable housing policies of six major cities from all continents. With various political, social and economical contexts, those experiences may serve as examples of how the New Urban Agenda and SDG 11 principles are promoted with concrete cases.


  • Metropolis
  • Montréal
  • Berlin
  • Kuala Lumpur
  • Buenos Aires
  • Johannesburg