International Cooperation in Latin American Metropolises

General Objective:


  • To know how international cooperation has helped metropolises to carry out actions for the benefit of their citizens.

Specific Objectives:


  • To understand how citizens have become more aware of the importance of international cooperation benefited through the implementation of public policies based on the evidence
  • Publicise actions or good practices that through international cooperation benefited the fight against COVID19.



On the occasion of the World Day of the Metropolitan and Urban October, organises a debate with 3 Latin American metropolises where we will learn about good practices and success stories that through international cooperation help these cities with their fight against COVID19.

The webinar will take place on October 2 at 17:00h Buenos Aires time.



  • Octavi de la Varga, Secretary General of Metropolis
  • Hugo Salomão, Director of IR for the City of Belo Horizonte
  • Luz Amparo, Director of IR for the City of Bogotá
  • Francisco Resnicoff, Undersecretary of IR of the City of Buenos Aires
  • Nicolás Mancini, Executive Director of



  • Daphne Besen, UN-Habitat Brazil
  • Renatha Salcedo,


For more information click here

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