European Forum on Urban Forestry

Urban forests are vibrant places for multifaceted recreational activities, social gathering and mental restoration, but also provide biomass for an urban bioeconomy. They are full of energy. And so is the venue of this years’ conference: the German Sport University Cologne – the perfect location to explore energetic interactions of trees and human beings.

Cologne has a remarkably long history of urban forestry. In the 1920s, the city created the “Inneren und Äußeren Grüngürtel“, the inner and outer green belt, on the premises of former fortress belt. The green belts are nowadays used for a huge variety of activities. These include the Cologne “Waldlabor (Forest Laboratory) which has been established in 2010. Here foresters are experimenting with new types of urban forests in the face of climate change and changing society.

EFUF will capitalize on the Waldlabor and will organize an International Waldlabor Student Workshop in parallel to the conference, connecting energizing debates with energetic forest activities (see here for the call for the workshop, deadline 31 December 2018).


The 2019 European Forum on Urban Forestry invites researchers and urban forest professionals to submit abstracts for contributions. This includes – but is not limited to – applied as well as academic research, and perspectives/experience reports of professionals and practitioners. EFUF emphasizes the connection of practice and scientific knowledge, encouraging a variety of possible formats to contribute to the conference. 



The 2019 European Forum on Urban Forestry accepts oral talks, posters and other non-commercial contributions. Abstracts (maximum 2000 characters) are only accepted in English language. They must not include figures, tables or attachment and should be related to one of the themes mentioned in the call for abstracts. Deadline for submission is 1st of February 2019. For abstract submission, please use the online system:

The programme committee will determine whether a work will be accepted for presentation, considering the significance and/or the innovative character of the contribution. Authors will be informed on the acceptance of their contribution by the 21st of February 2019.


More information: