Covid-19 and Metropolitan Management: Lessons Learned from the Global Health Crisis

The celebration of World Metropolis Day offers an ideal opportunity for this necessary introspection and this indispensable prospective reflection :

  • What is the new post-COVID normality we are moving towards? 
  • What are the pitfalls to be avoided?
  • How to prepare cities to face the next health or environmental crises?
  • What innovations have emerged and how can they be promoted and supported to better prepare metropolises to face health and environmental risks and crises?
  • What directions should be taken so that African metropolises are more economically productive, more socially just and secure, more culturally rich because they are attentive to preserving and promoting diversity, and more ecologically sustainable?
  • How can we ensure that metropolitan governance integrates citizen participation?
  • How can we increase the sense of belonging to the same metropolitan community and ensure that living together will not be called into question in the post-COVID situation?

It is to this set of questions and to many others that the webinar which will be organized by UCLG-Africa will attempt to provide answers based on the experiences of different metropolises and the lessons learned from them by policy makers, professionals, researchers, private sector entrepreneurs and civil society organizations.


Main Objective:

The Celebration of World Metropolis Day will be an opportunity to share the lessons learned from the global health crisis at the metropolitan level.

Specific objectives:

The Webinar will offer a space to:

  • Discuss the challenges encountered by metropolitan areas during the health crisis;
  • Learn about the degree and terms of engagement of Metropolitan Areas in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic;
  • Understand the real issues for these entities and see how they are preparing for the post Covid-19;
  • Exchange good practices among Peers.


Date and venue: Tuesday 6 October, 2020 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm on Zoom platform

Find here the Concept Note in English and in French.