City Managers implementing the New Urban Agenda

[Room R9]

City managers are the employees of highest rank in the public administrations in charge of day to day administrative and operative management of the city.

Major cities and metropolitan areas around the world are facing an increased complexity both at the governance and managing levels.

Urban systems and cities, though, are increasingly diverse, with a greater number of inhabitants and major challenges related to social cohesion, economic development and sustainability. Furthermore, cities have to assume the delivery of more services which puts pressure on the technical, financial and human resources that needed in order to better manage the municipal structures, to provide citizens with the appropriate services in an efficient way and to manage the relationship with the different stakeholders. 

In addition, the international agenda is having a growing impact not only in local policies, but also in its operation. The management of cities cannot be carried out without taking into account the new approaches that demand the Agenda 2030 (with its sustainable development objectives) and the New Urban Agenda that must result from the Habitat III conference.

Policies related to the main areas of the New Urban Agenda will have to be operationalized. They will also have an impact on the way cities need to be managed and how cities will have to mobilize capacities and resources such as:

  1. externalization vs internalization of human resources,
  2. funding instruments,
  3. public procurement,
  4. engendering of public management,
  5. other issues

As a partner of the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional governments led by United Cities & Local Governments, Metropolis advocates for the operational character of the New Urban Agenda to help our cities to face the unavoidable metropolization process and guide them towards a more sustainable and equal growth model.


  • To identify the challenges being faced by major cities in the aftermath of Habitat III from a managerial point of view
  • To set the basis for a knowledge and practice community of city managers around the world within the framework of the Metropolis Observatory
  • To propose new ideas and solutions about management of a city and the implementation of public policies
  • To develop an agenda whose implementation will be monitored and boosted by the Metropolis Secretariat General