1er Foro Internacional de Políticas Públicas Locales de Adolescentes y Jóvenes CDMX

International Forum for Local and Public Policies about Adolescence and Youth


The I INTERNATIONAL FORUM FOR LOCAL AND PUBLIC POLICIES ABOUT ADOLESCENCE AND YOUTH CDMX is organized as an international program to meet, share and think about the public policies when it comes to adolescence and youth in the main cities.

The objectives of the Forum are:

  • To share different and successful experiences about adolescence and youth local policies to know the different perspectives, results and limitations;  
  • To generate a shared commitment to take the local adolescence and youth polices as a cross axis of the sustainable cities, as well as to guarantee a permanent space to debate, share and cooperate with the different cities in matters of adolescence and youth.
  • To generate a Good Practices Catalog that includes the local and successful adolescence and youth policies which also will serve as a basis of the new Agenda 2030 for the Sustainable Development and Habitat III.

The Forum will consist on the opening and closing directed by the main authorities of the host institutions; master conferences with the main subjects of the international youth agenda; and simultaneous working groups formed by 3 orators – who will have 20 minutes to present one of the aforementioned public and successful policies – and 30 minutes for questions and answers.