MITI upcoming events 2015


Women Engagement in Neighborhoods Management.  Mashhad, Iran 25 - 27 April 2015

Online registration are closed but you still can register until April 19 by filling the Registration Form and send it back at:
Urban governance must be gender-sensitive if it is to be equitable, sustainable and effective. Participation and civic engagement are critical determinants of good governance, a concept which addresses issues of social equity and political legitimacy and not merely the efficient management of infrastructure and services. The different ways in which women and men participate in and benefit from urban governance are significantly shaped by prevailing constructions of gender, whose norms, expectations and institutional expressions constrain women's access to the social and economic, and thus political, resources of the city. 
This training seminar will address women participation in neighborhoods management to build and promote the infrastructure and resources needed to ensure families experience better results around education, employment, safety, housing and other key areas. Some of the main key issues will be illustrated by examples and case studies.
It will relate primarily to the direct experience of experts from Iran and around the world at international level. At the end of the program, it is intended that participants should understand the significance of the gender-sensitive policies and necessity of women engagement in different levels of urban management.

To read more about the Concept note, Objectives, Target public, Pedagogic approach and Language click here