Guadalajara - Congreso Internal. de Resiliencia Metropolitana

The Resilient Metropolis Guadalajara (RMG), as translated into Spanish, is an international cooperation project aimed at strengthening the supramunicipal governance of the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara (AMG) in the fields of urban resilience, waste management, and circular economy. The project identifies, anticipates, and mitigates risks and vulnerabilities affecting those who reside and move within its territory, in alignment with the European Union's Green Pact and the 2030 Agenda.

In line with the project's objectives, a global event is proposed to showcase the efforts of the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara and the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, positioning both metropolises as global leaders in resilience. To achieve this and to highlight the impact that metropolitan areas have on territorial development and the fulfillment of international agendas, the International Metropolitan Resilience Congress will take place from November 22 to 24, 2023, in the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara.

The congress aims to provide a platform for technical evaluation of the challenges faced by metropolises, addressing eight central themes: Metropolitan Resilience, Climate Action, Territorial Planning, Water Resilience, Circular Economy, Mobility, Energy Efficiency, and Housing. Additionally, two cross-cutting axes, Metropolitan Governance, and Substantive Equality, will be explored during the event.