bilateral meeting with CAF-Corporación Andina de Fomento

  • I had a short conversation with Ángel Cárdenas, Gerente de Ciudades, and part of his team at CAF – Corporación Andina de Fomento, a key International Financial Institution that covers most of Latin America (plus Spain and Portugal). We had a great conversation about the many metropolitan institutionalization discussions that are taking place in many parts of Latin America, an issue in which we could probably cooperate (and CAF has some financial resources for technical assistance, not just loans). I could only quickly mention to them the care agenda, which seemed to resonate, and the green agenda (they are behind the Biodivercities program in Colombia). They will visit Barcelona in early June, so we hope to reconnect. CAF is limited in its regional scope, with it is very interested in working with cities and has an unusual agenda and ways of working for an international finance institution, so I think we want to further conversations and, hopefully, build a partnership.

movil: +33683459584 (Patricio Scaff)